Counterpoints and Syntheses of Elements of the Semantic Ensemble of Words and Music in S. V. Rachmaninoff’s Vocal Compositions (by the Example of the Analysis of the Romances “To Her” and “A-Oo!” Op. 38)
The aim of the study is to determine the ratio of the verbal and the musical layers of the text in S. V. Rachmaninoff’s vocal compositions. The paper analyses S. V. Rachmaninoff’s works “To Her” and “A-Oo!” Op. 38 from the position of musical and speech intonation, the use of intonation formulas, musical techniques. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the counterpoints and principles of synthesising elements of the semantic ensemble of words and music in S. V. Rachmaninoff’s vocal compositions “To Her” and “A-Oo!” Op. 38. As a result, it has been proved that a “semantic ensemble”, which includes both the interaction of the word and its musical intonation expression and the interaction of vocal and instrumental parts, is formed in S. V. Rachmaninoff’s vocal compositions “To Her” and “A-Oo!” Op. 38.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 11, 2021.
- Published: December 27, 2021.
- семантический ансамбль слова и музыки
- контрапункт; вокальные сочинения С. В. Рахманинова
- музыкально-речевое интонирование
- вербальный и музыкальный пласты текста
- semantic ensemble of words and music
- counterpoint
- S. V. Rachmaninoff’s vocal compositions
- musical and speech intonation
- the verbal and the musical layers of the text
© 2021 The Author(s)
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