Children’s Ballet Performance – an Achievement of the Soviet Era
The aim of the study is to substantiate that children’s ballet in Soviet reality is a special direction of musical theatre that contributed to the upbringing of younger generations in line with the philosophy of goodness, creativity and communal spirit. The paper presents the history of children’s ballet formation in the USSR as one of the directions of musical theatre; describes the contribution of ballet masters to the development of children’s ballet; analyses the content of ballet productions of this period; shows the development of children’s ballet in the USSR in the second half of the XX century and then in the Russian Federation; analyses the current situation related to the development of children’s ballet in Russia. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the prerequisites for the creation of children’s ballet in the USSR as one of the directions of musical theatre, as well as in determining the characteristic genres of ballet productions for children in the Soviet period. As a result, it has been proved that the emergence of such a direction of musical theatre as children’s ballet in the USSR should be considered a key achievement of the era both in the Soviet Union and in the world, its value component is the fostering of justice presented to children in understandable and realistic plot conditions.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 14, 2022.
- Published: January 10, 2023.
- детский балет в СССР
- детский балетный спектакль
- жанры детских балетных постановок
- история становления детского балета
- children’s ballet in the USSR
- children’s ballet performance
- genres of children’s ballet productions
- history of children’s ballet formation
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