Iconography of the Image of Prince Alexander Nevsky in Soviet Book Engravings
The research aims to study the iconography of the image of Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky in Soviet book graphics. The scientific novelty lies in choosing the illustrations of the literary monument of Ancient Russia “The Life of Alexander Nevsky”, made by Soviet graphic artists in the technique of engraving, as research material, as well as in studying the theoretical principles of the art of engraving used in these illustrations, developed by V. A. Favorsky. As a result of the research, the authors come to the conclusion that the continuity of Russian and Soviet cultures is credibly manifested in the images of Prince Alexander Nevsky, which is a great merit of the art theorist, artist, engraver V. A. Favorsky.
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- Тихомиров О. На страже Руси. М.: Малыш, 1985.
- Фаворский В. А. Литературно-теоретическое наследие / сост. Е. Б. Мурина, Д. Д. Чебанова. М.: Советский художник, 1988.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 29, 2022.
- Published: January 10, 2023.
- великий князь Александр Невский
- советская книжная графика
- иллюстрация
- гравюра
- В. А. Фаворский
- Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky
- Soviet book graphics
- illustration
- engraving
- V. A. Favorsky
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