Piano Works for One Hand
The study aims to substantiate that works for one hand can reveal the potential of the piano to a greater extent, as well as its genre and style range, becoming an original sphere not only of musical performance, but also of composer creativity in general. The paper presents the essence of the phenomenon of compositions for one hand in piano art; identifies the features of the embodiment and performance of works for one hand and genres of piano repertoire for one hand. As a result, it can be concluded that the emphasis on the technical side is often the peculiarity of the embodiment of works for one hand. These compositions by their very nature imply virtuosity and this parameter comes to the fore. Despite the genre and stylistic diversity of compositions written for one hand, in general composers are characterised by a noticeable common tendency, a creative desire to reveal the capabilities of performers, i.e. their virtuosity.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: January 8, 2023.
- Published: March 30, 2023.
- фортепианные произведения для одной руки
- виртуозность
- музыкальное исполнительство
- одноручный фортепианный репертуар
- композиторское творчество
- piano works for one hand
- virtuosity
- musical performance
- piano repertoire for one hand
- composer creativity
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