Participation of Miriskusnik Artists in the Book Projects of the Publisher Z. Grzhebin (1917-1922)
The paper is devoted to the study of the printed heritage of famous artists belonging to the “Mir iskusstva” (World of Art) society. The research aims to shed light on the history of participation of Miriskusnik artists (members of the “Mir iskusstva” society) in the book projects of the publisher Z. Grzhebin (1917-1922). A new chapter is opened, i.e. the printed works of Miriskusniks in children’s books, a completely new side of activities for graphic artists of the late XIX – early XX century. The paper presents the search in the design and creation of children’s books – richly illustrated books, providing insight into the dramatic plot through drawings, having an educational impact. The research is novel in that it determines various creative search options chosen by Miriskusnik artists when working on illustrations: the predominance of the drawing over the text, change of capital letters and inscriptions, introduction of a jobbing font set, which promoted a new interpretation of book images. As a result, it has been substantiated that the publishing house of Zinovii Isaevich Grzhebin remained a stronghold of high aesthetic taste, compliance with the demands of an intelligent public and a laboratory of creativity for artists and the publisher.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 14, 2023.
- Published: March 30, 2023.
- издательство
- иллюстрация
- З. И. Гржебин
- А. Н. Бенуа
- М. В. Добужинский
- Г. И. Нарбут
- В. М. Васнецов
- И. Я. Билибин
- В. М. Конашевич
- publishing house
- illustration
- Z. I. Grzhebin
- A. N. Benois
- M. V. Dobuzhinsky
- G. I. Narbut
- V. M. Vasnetsov
- I. Ya. Bilibin
- V. M. Konashevich
© 2023 The Author(s)
© 2023 Gramota Publishing, LLC