Joint Monograph: Tuminskaya O. A., Gayevskaya N. Z. The Image of the Holy Fool in the Word and Depiction / intr. by Doctor in Philosophy K. G. Isupov; comp. and ed. by N. Z. Gayevskaya. Kaluga: Zolotaya Alleya, 2021. 208 p., ill.: Book Revew
The review considers the monographic work “The Image of the Holy Fool in the Word and Depiction” by O. A. Tuminskaya and N. Z. Gayevskaya (2021), dedicated to shedding light on the image of the holy fool in literature and art in a comprehensive analytical manner. Analysing numerous iconographic examples, referring to a wide range of sources, the authors of the monograph trace the parallels of the creation of the image of the holy fool in iconography and hagiography. Being novel in its content, methodology, having an interdisciplinary nature that combines historical, art historical, anthropological approaches, the reviewed publication makes a significant contribution to the study of foolishness for Christ.
- Власов А. Н. «Костюм юродивого» на русском Севере (Проблемы художественной инверсии образа) // Народный костюм и современная молодежная культура: сб. ст. ГМО «Художественная культура Русского Севера». Архангельск: Правда Севера, 1999.
- Исупов К. Г. О русском юродстве: вступительная статья к монографии // Туминская О. А., Гаевская Н. З. Образ юродивого в слове и изображении. Калуга: Золотая аллея, 2021.
- Попова Т. Г. Новое исследование по истории иконографии русских святых // Древняя Русь. Вопросы медиевистики. 2018. № 2 (72).
Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: January 18, 2023.
- Published: March 30, 2023.
- агиография юродивых
- агиография юродивых
- русское сакральное искусство
- антропология юродства
- image of the holy fool
- iconography of holy fools
- hagiography of holy fools
- Russian sacred art
- anthropology of foolishness for Christ
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