• Essay
  • October 11, 2023
  • Open access

Antiquity: A millennium before the Birth of Christ. The basis of European culture


The essay is devoted to a summary review of the main phenomena of global artistic culture in the Antiquity period (a millennium before the Birth of Christ). The work provides a holistic vision of artistic phenomena. The author consistently examines the achievements of ancient masters in various art forms: literature (the creation of the spiritual foundation of ancient culture in religious canons and national epic), architecture (the appearance of the order in ancient Greek classics), sculpture (as the leading genre of Antiquity), fine art (based on preserved frescoes and mosaics), theatrical art (tragedies of ancient Greek playwrights), poetry (Roman classicism). Attention is also paid to the development of art in line with Hellenism and to the parallels to Greco-Roman Antiquity in the territories of the East. In addition, an overview of the last stage of Antiquity, the Roman stage (the heyday of Roman architecture and sculpture), is given. In conclusion, the author finds that the art phenomena of the period of Antiquity played the most important role as the basis of European culture.


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Author information

Aleksandr Ivanovich Demchenko


International Center of Complex Artistic Research; Saratov State Conservatory, Saratov

About this article

The translation of the article is published at the author’s initiative. First published: Демченко А. И. Античность (Тысячелетие до Рождества Христова). Базис европейской культуры // ИКОНИ / ICONI. 2020. № 2. С. 6-26. https://doi.org/10.33779/2658-4824.2020.2.006-025

Publication history

  • Received: August 29, 2023.
  • Published: October 11, 2023.


  • Antiquity
  • basis of European culture
  • religious canons
  • national epic
  • Ancient Greek art
  • Ancient Roman art
  • Hellenism
  • Античность
  • базис европейской культуры
  • религиозные своды
  • национальные эпосы
  • древнегреческое искусство
  • древнеримское искусство
  • эллинизм


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© 2023 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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