The evolution of the concert and sonata form in the works of S. V. Rachmaninoff
The aim of this research is to demonstrate the formation and development of the concert and sonata form in the works of S. V. Rachmaninoff. The article describes the history of the modification of the concert and sonata form in musical compositions and presents the typology of the concert and sonata form of the "post-classical" period by V. Zaderatsky. Based on V. Zaderatsky's concept, the following works of S. Rachmaninoff have been analyzed: Concert No. 1 Op. 1 in F-sharp minor, Concert No. 2 Op. 18 in C minor, Concert No. 3 Op. 30 in D minor, and the Fourth Concert Op. 40 in G minor. The scientific novelty of this research lies in describing the sequential step-by-step evolution of the concert and sonata form in the creative work of S. Rachmaninoff. The authors conclude that Rachmaninoff's First Concert embodies characteristics of both canon and heuristics. In the Second Concert, new tendencies of the genre and form are observed, while in the Third Concert, further complexities of composition are presented. The Fourth Concert represents the highest degree of modification of the concert and sonata form.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: September 2, 2023.
- Published: November 24, 2023.
- концертно-сонатная форма
- творчество С. В. Рахманинова
- формы инструментальной музыки
- классическая музыка ХХ века
- concert and sonata form
- creative work of S. V. Rachmaninoff
- forms of instrumental music
- classical music of the XX century
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