A Page in the History of the German Keyboard Music of the XVII Century
The aim of the study is to summarise the most important phenomena that can give a general idea of the chronological order of formation of keyboard genres and forms in the pre-Bach era, about the personalities of outstanding keyboard composers, about the intersection of various national styles in their heritage. The paper is of a reviewing nature. The scientific novelty of the study lies in substantiating the fact that the creative work of Johann Jakob Froberger (1616-1667) is distinguished by its multi-national character, which he managed to combine with elements of the German musical language. As a result, the paper characterises the musical creative work of gifted German composers and musicians performing music for stringed keyboard instruments of the XVII century; describes the features of the keyboard heritage of Johann Jakob Froberger and his influence on the musical creative work of his contemporaries; identifies the main features of the German keyboard music of the XVIII century.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 25, 2021.
- Published: December 27, 2021.
- немецкая клавирная музыка
- клавирное наследие И. Я. Фробергера
- клавирные жанры
- клавишно-струнные инструменты XVII века
- German keyboard music
- keyboard genres
- J. J. Froberger’s keyboard heritage
- stringed keyboard instruments of the XVII century
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