Soviet Cinema Music. The Second Generation – Composers of the Sixties
The paper attempts to analyse the results of the activities undertaken by the generation of composers of the Sixties in cinema. The aim of the study is to identify the specifics of the Soviet school of cinema music, the core of which included the brightest and most extraordinary representatives of the Russian musical avant-garde who achieved fame and world recognition in various fields of academic and experimental music of the post-war period. The scientific novelty lies in understanding, both in each specific case and in general patterns, the degree of mutual influence of cinema, focused on the perception of the mass audience, on the one hand, and the manifestations of creative individuality of the composers, on the other hand. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that due to the effective creative activities of the composers of the sixties, the tradition of cooperation of Soviet cinematographers with the most talented and highly professional musicians was preserved for several years, which would not allow the Soviet school of cinema music to descend to the level of standardised narrative soundtrack.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 14, 2021.
- Published: December 27, 2021.
- советская школа музыки кино
- кинематограф «оттепельного» периода
- Н. Каретников
- В. Овчинников
- М. Таривердиев
- Э. Артемьев
- А. Петров
- А. Пярт
- Soviet school of cinema music
- cinema of the “thaw” period
- N. Karetnikov
- V. Ovchinnikov
- M. Tariverdiev
- E. Artemyev
- A. Petrov
- A. Pyart
© 2021 The Author(s)
© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC