Film Music by A. Schnittke: The Range of Literary Images
The paper is devoted to the characterisation of the range of artistic images from classical and modern literature of the XX century in Alfred Schnittke’s musical score for feature films. His work in cinema led the composer to a dialogue with such major poets and writers as A. Pushkin, A. Chekhov, L. Tolstoy, M. Bulgakov and contemporaries V. Rasputin, O. Bergholz, V. Astafyev, V. Panova, Yu. Bondarev, V. Grossman. The novelty of the research lies in determining the peculiarities of A. Schnittke’s interpretation of literary works in connection with their film adaptations. As a result, the main themes of Schnittke’s film music creative work, concordant with his views on the themes of “the artist and the world”, “life and death”, “man and his choice”, “Epoch – time – Man”, have been presented.
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- Холопова В. Укрепление веры. Симфонии Вторая, Третья, Четвертая // Холопова В. Композитор А. Шнитке. М., 2008.
- Берзер А. Прощание // Липкин С. Жизнь и судьба В Гроссмана. М., 1990.
- Холопова В. Композитор Альфред Шнитке. М.: Композитор, 2008.
- Баева А. Поэтика жанра: современная русская опера. М.: Моск. гос консерватория, 1999.
Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: January 11, 2022.
- Published: February 28, 2022.
- художественный образ
- киномузыка
- Альфред Шнитке
- классическая литература
- современная литература ХХ века
- художественный фильм
- artistic image
- film music
- Alfred Schnittke
- classical literature
- modern literature of the XX century
- feature film
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