• Original research article
  • July 30, 2022
  • Open access

Soviet Symbols and Language Use in Three Hungarian Feature Films Made in the Early 1950s


The paper aims to reveal Soviet symbols in Hungarian feature films made in the early 1950s. Using the films “Civil a pályán” (Civilians on the Field, 1951), “Becsület és dicsőség” (Honor and Glory, 1951) and “Dalolva szép az élet” (Singing Makes Life Beautiful, 1950) as examples, the work analyses the details appearing in the feature films that may be in some way associated with the Soviet Union (internal and external spaces; people’s dress; objects other than pieces of decoration; verbal references and songs; a Soviet visitor; other aspects related to everyday life). The author identifies forms of address used by the characters indicating the relationship between various groups (namely, communist leaders, workers, saboteurs). Scientific novelty lies in proving that there is strong Soviet influence in the analysed feature films, since not only visible Soviet symbols, but also verbal references and even a case of a Soviet worker appearing in person were discovered. The research findings showed that forms of address in the feature films under consideration helped to clearly define a hierarchy in the depicted society, highlighting the importance of the community of workers and reflecting an awareness of collectivism.


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Author information

Gocsál Ákos

University of Pécs, Hungary

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: June 14, 2022.
  • Published: July 30, 2022.


  • венгерский кинематограф
  • венгерские художественные фильмы начала 1950-х годов
  • советская символика
  • обращения
  • период схематизма в кино
  • Hungarian cinema
  • Hungarian feature films of the 1950s
  • Soviet symbols
  • forms of address
  • period of schematism in cinema


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