• Original research article
  • October 30, 2022
  • Open access

Chamber and Vocal Creative Work of Joseph Haydn. Part 1


The purpose of this research paper is devoted to the still little-studied problem of identifying the relations between the vocal and instrumental factors in Haydn’s music. The ideas of the domestic and foreign scholars about Haydn’s creative work are being expanded and enriched with new data. In the paper the historical meaning of Haydn’s creative work in the ХХI century is defined not only by his innovative sonata-symphonic forms and the formation of the major classical genres of symphony, concert for a solo instrument with orchestra, quartet and sonata but Haydn’s significant contribution to the development of instrumental trio, opera, the Austro-German Lied. This rationale of this phenomenon is the scientific novelty of the study. As a result, it is concluded that the renewed interest of modern researchers towards the little-studied pages of the composer’s art heritage shows the reconsideration of the role of these genres in the evolution of the world musical art as the undeservingly neglected works of the great composer according to their depth of expression and originality of composition means are not inferior and even compete with the composer’s well-recognized compositions.


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Author information

Sergei Vasilevich Tarasov


Astrakhan State Conservatory

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 30, 2022.
  • Published: October 30, 2022.


  • камерно-вокальное творчество
  • Йозеф Гайдн
  • создание сонатно-симфонических форм
  • развитие инструментального трио
  • опера
  • австро-немецкая Lied
  • эволюция мирового музыкального искусства
  • chamber and vocal creativity work
  • Joseph Haydn
  • creation of sonata-symphonic form
  • instrumental trio development
  • opera
  • the Austro-German Lied
  • evolution of world musical art


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