Music versus Politics
This essay presents the situation concerning the music philosophy in the XX century: the factor of politics gradually was established in the paradigm of artistic culture. It is shown that the politics became a permanent violence in relation to art as in relation to life. This permanent violence is a will for power or a clear will for dominating life and art which can move apart and then inextricably intertwine. Thus, the politics appears in her unconventional artistic and aesthetic discourse: being aesthetic in life and artistic in art. In this paper the phenomenon of the origin of the indivisibility and immeasurable formula is characterized. Since then, life and politics cannot do without art which is their mirror as well as art tries to distance itself from society and politics but cannot break free of the shackles of the socio-political context and the relevant pragmatic discourse. This discourse leaves an indelible imprint on everything connected with art and aesthetics.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 28, 2022.
- Published: January 10, 2023.
- философия музыки
- художественно-эстетический дискурс
- социально-политического контекст искусства
- социум
- политика
- music philosophy
- artistic and aesthetic discourse
- socio-political context of art
- society
- politics
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