Physical and Acoustic Space in the Music of Composers of the Second Half of the XX Century
The study aims to prove the axiom that musical space, as well as musical time, has three main (basic) levels. The paper characterises the conceptual level of musical space, which is a subjective individual “spatial world” expressed by all elements of the musical language; the perceptual level of musical space, associated with the listener’s perception; the physical level of musical space, manifested when performing compositions. The scientific novelty of the study lies in developing a classification of perceptual space in music and determining the component composition of the physical and acoustic level of musical space. As a result, it has been determined that musical space is a multilevel phenomenon; the perceptual level of musical space includes pictorial perception, sensory perception and cathartic perception, while the physical level of musical space includes micro-space and macro-space; the stereophony of the XX century implies various types of organisation of acoustic space such as static stereophony, dynamic stereophony, combined stereophony.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 8, 2022.
- Published: January 10, 2023.
- концептуальный уровень музыкального пространства
- перцептуальный уровень музыкального пространства
- физико-акустический уровень музыкального пространства
- статическая стереофония
- динамическая стереофония
- комбинированная стереофония
- conceptual level of musical space
- perceptual level of musical space
- physical and acoustic level of musical space
- static stereophony
- dynamic stereophony
- combined stereophony
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