• Essay
  • July 14, 2023
  • Open access

Specificity of postmodern influence on the creative work of national composers


The essay considers the problem of the influence of postmodernism, within which two cultural paradigms, i.e. globalisation and glocalisation, were formed, on the national art of composers. The confrontation between the trends of globalisation and glocalisation that emerged in the late XX century correlates with the new “innovative – traditional” opposition reflected in modern national cultures, which has the potential for conflict and therefore requires finding a way to overcome the oppositivity of cultures. As a result, the researcher substantiates two ways to solve the indicated problem: the heterogeneous system of a national composer’s style can react to the general postmodern process either by confrontation of universally European and locally ethnic tendencies or by their mediation, which implies that composers search for and find a way for these tendencies to coexist without contradiction.


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Author information

Anna Valentinovna Bobneva

Saratov Conservatory

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 3, 2023.
  • Published: July 14, 2023.


  • противостояние культурных парадигм
  • глобализация
  • глокализация
  • национальное музыкальное искусство
  • влияние постмодернизма на профессиональное композиторское творчество
  • confrontation of cultural paradigms
  • globalisation
  • glocalisation
  • national musical art
  • influence of postmodernism on the professional creative work of composers


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