Contents July 14, 2023 Open access 2023. Volume 3. Issue 3 All issues Top Theory and History of Art ANCIENT WORLD: The depth of time. Discoveries and revelations A. I. Demchenko F. I. Chaliapin and V. E. Meyerhold in the work on the production of “Boris Godunov” (Mariinsky Theatre, 1911) A. Y. Ryaposov Musical Arts Specificity of postmodern influence on the creative work of national composers A. V. Bobneva Stylistic singularity of O. A. Moralev’s oeuvre N. V. Korolevskaya Metamorphoses of A. T. Gretchaninov’s musical language in the 1910s. The cycle of piano pieces “Pastels” Op. 61 G. S. Sedova Art of dancing Life and creative heritage of Rudolf Nureyev: The “presence effect” continues O. G. Vil'danova Film and TV Arts Soviet tragicomedy in cinema in the context of the epoch (by the example of L. Gaidai’s films of the 1960s – early 70s) I. V. Kondakov
F. I. Chaliapin and V. E. Meyerhold in the work on the production of “Boris Godunov” (Mariinsky Theatre, 1911) A. Y. Ryaposov
Metamorphoses of A. T. Gretchaninov’s musical language in the 1910s. The cycle of piano pieces “Pastels” Op. 61 G. S. Sedova
Soviet tragicomedy in cinema in the context of the epoch (by the example of L. Gaidai’s films of the 1960s – early 70s) I. V. Kondakov