Teaching future designers the specifics of form shaping for architectonic objects of the object-spatial environment and costume
The aim of the research is to identify the relevant format of applying the modular form shaping technique when teaching the “Architectonics of three-dimensional structures” course to students in various design training programs. The paper addresses issues related to the practical mastery of the specified course by students in creative training programs, focusing on the features of a developed comprehensive exercise. The scientific novelty of the work lies in using modular form shaping of varying structural complexity within the described task, aiming to find the structure of an independent object rather than merely an element the multiple repetition of which forms a complete shape. Additionally, the developed system of approaches is universally applicable to most three-dimensional design objects. Moreover, the concise combination of theory (a set of basic laws of constructing harmonious forms) and its implementation through the development of crucial analytical skills and the direct realization of an author’s art object using advanced paper-plastic techniques is atypical for standard exercises. Thus, the uniqueness of the described task is evident due to its comprehensive approach to form shaping and an attempt to immerse students in the full process of a designer’s work. As a result of the research, the universality of the principles embedded in the described exercise has been identified, applicable not only to the creation of products presented in the paper but also to any three-dimensional art objects.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 4, 2024.
- Published: April 12, 2024.
- модульное формообразование
- гармонизация формы
- дизайн объёмных структур
- архитектоника костюма
- архитектоника предметно-пространственной среды
- modular form shaping
- form harmonization
- design of three-dimensional structures
- costume architectonics
- architectonics of the object-spatial environment
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