• Original research article
  • June 24, 2024
  • Open access

Posters and billboards in the USA during the Art Deco era: The problem of forming new gender stereotypes


The aim of the research is to identify the imagery, thematic, and linguistic features of American posters and billboards within the context of a new gender reality. The paper examines the influence of the Art Deco style on posters and billboards in the USA in the 1920s-1930s. The paper considers the question of new gender stereotypes and the role of posters and billboards in their popularization. The researcher analyzes how this style changed the artistic and visual language of posters and billboards and what specific Art Deco features were characteristic of them. The work emphasizes the importance of posters and billboards in reflecting socio-cultural changes and the evolution of gender representations in the USA. The scientific novelty of the research lies in analyzing the means of artistic expression of American posters and billboards during the Art Deco era in the context of ongoing social and gender changes. The study found that posters and billboards of the time became a powerful tool for demonstrating changing social norms and challenging traditional views on female and male roles. They had a significant influence on the formation of gender representations in the country during a period of social transformation.


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Author information

Natalya Pavlovna Litvinova

Kosygin Russian State University, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 5, 2024.
  • Published: June 24, 2024.


  • ар деко
  • образно-тематические средства плакатов и афиш
  • языковые средства плакатов и афиш
  • формирование гендерных представлений
  • гендерные стереотипы
  • социальные и гендерные изменения
  • печатная графика
  • Art Deco
  • imagery and thematic features of posters and billboards
  • linguistic features of posters and billboards
  • formation of gender representations
  • gender stereotypes
  • social and gender changes
  • print graphics


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