Immersive theater technology in the musical and creative education of older preschool children
The article reveals the relationship of immersive theater with the musical and creative education of older preschool children and integrated approaches to it. Theatricalization as a component of musical and creative development of children was actively discussed by psychologists and teachers of the 20th century. Today, theatricalization has acquired a new format of immersive theater, which is based on elements of play and integrativity, the specifics of involving children in multisensory experiences and full immersion in a simulated situation. Based on the theory of the theatrical and playful approach to the development of children's creativity by L. S. Vygotsky, this article examines ways to integrate the immersive theater method into the process of musical and creative education of older preschool children. The purpose of the study is to identify ways to apply immersive theater technology in the musical and creative education of children aged 5-6 years. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time it examines the use of immersive theater technology in the musical and creative education of older preschool children from three sides: as part of a comprehensive musical and aesthetic course, as a format for children's participation in interactive performance and as a technology on which the educational process is based. The specific components of this technology have been identified and analyzed, confirming the relevance and value of immersive theater for the development of a child's creative potential, and practical experience in introducing immersiveness in music lessons with children aged 5-6 years has been described. As a result of the research, the tasks that are solved through the use of immersive theater in the creative activities of older preschool children are identified.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 8, 2024.
- Published: January 24, 2025.
- иммерсивный театр
- иммерсивные образовательные технологии
- комплексный музыкально-эстетический курс
- музыкально-творческое воспитание детей
- дети старшего дошкольного возраста
- immersive theater
- immersive educational technologies
- comprehensive musical and aesthetic course
- musical and creative education of children
- older preschool children
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