Children’s Art Studio in an Art Museum: The Principles of Teaching by O. L. Nekrasova-Karateeva
The study aims to present a critical review of the basic principles of fine art teaching by O. L. Nekrasova-Karateeva in the Art Studio of the State Hermitage. The paper correlates the basic principles of teaching fine art to children in an art museum with the principles of fine art teaching in a secondary school. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in elaborating a general picture of children’s adequate involvement in the creative world of art through systematic training in an art museum by analysing the forms and methods of working with children proposed by O. L. Nekrasova-Karateeva. As a result, the fundamental principles of conducting classes in children’s fine art studios in art museums have been determined: 1) introducing topics related to the exhibition; 2) painting in the halls of the museum; 3) comparing children’s works with the works of famous masters in an oral dialog form; 4) teaching the leading figurative and expressive means for creating a painting (composition, colour, tone, brushstrokes, strokes, colouration, chiaroscuro, etc.); 5) learning the subject-thematic basis of works of art included in the context of the epoch.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 8, 2023.
- Published: March 30, 2023.
- изобразительная студия детского творчества
- принципы преподавания искусства
- художественный музей
- Эрмитаж
- искусствовед
- художник и педагог О. Л. Некрасова-Каратеева
- children’s art studio
- principles of art teaching
- art museum
- Hermitage
- art historian
- artist and teacher O. L. Nekrasova-Karateeva
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