Artistic and graphic features of visual communication of dairy market brands
The purpose of the study is to identify the artistic and graphic features of the visual communication of dairy market brands. The article clarifies the role of the artistic and graphic component of brand communication and the role of packaging in branding in general and in the category of dairy products in particular. The main trends in the development of society and their reflection in consumer behavior and trends in the artistic and graphic component of packaging in the dairy market, as well as their impact on the semantic and artistic field of communication in the category of dairy products, are considered. As a result, data are provided on the study of the features of visual communication of brands-leaders of the dairy products market "Prostokvashino", "House in the village", "Village Green", "Vkusnoteevo", within which visual codes used by brands in the formation of an identical image are identified, which are of practical importance in the development of startup brands in the dairy category. The scientific novelty of this work lies in presenting previously unused integrated approach to the study of dairy market brands, which includes both the study of branding aspects from a marketing point of view, and the study of translated meanings using visual messages – codes formed by the form factor and packaging material and a set of artistic and graphic messages on the package, providing a holistic perception of brand image, as well as the correlation of messages with trends in the development of society and consumer behavior.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: May 20, 2024.
- Published: July 1, 2024.
- бренды рынка молочной продукции
- дизайн упаковки
- визуальные коды бренда
- визуальная коммуникация брендов
- художественно-графические сообщения
- dairy products of market brands
- packaging design
- visual brand codes
- visual brand communication
- artistic and graphic messages
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