L. Dobychin's prose through the prism of postmodern aesthetics
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the thesis that the literary work of L. Dobychin, a writer of the 20–30s of the XX century, in many of its manifestations can be interpreted in terms of postmodern aesthetics and correlated with its basic principles. The article examines the fundamental principles of postmodern aesthetics and analyzes the forms and ways of their implementation in L. Dobychin's prose. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the author tried to overcome the inconsistency of approaches and assessments of the writer's work by researchers, considering the results of his literary activity from the standpoint of the general foundations of postmodern philosophy and culture. As a result of the research, we came to the conclusion that, despite the generally accepted opinion that L. Dobychin belongs to the representatives of the Russian avant-garde, his work "overcomes" the limits of the modernist paradigm and in many of its manifestations implements the principles of aesthetics that developed by the end of the 20th century.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: July 1, 2024.
- Published: August 2, 2024.
- культура модерна и постмодерна
- постмодернистская эстетика
- ирония
- плюрализм
- интертекстуальность
- принцип «нулевого письма»
- маргинальность
- травестирование
- нарративная структура
- modern and postmodern culture
- postmodern aesthetics
- irony
- pluralism
- intertextuality
- the principle of "zero writing"
- marginality
- travesty
- narrative structure
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