• Original research article
  • November 26, 2024
  • Open access

The specifics of infographics in the Chinese textbook "History" for high school


The purpose of the study is to identify the key features and charateristics of infographics in the Chinese textbook "History" for high school students. The article provides a theoretical review of research on infographics presented in educational publications by Chinese authors. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, based on the generalization of the design features of infographics in history textbooks, the author identified unique requirements for the design of infographics: complementarity, generality, multilevelness, consistency and connectivity. In addition, the author found a close relationship between the characteristics of infographics, such as clarity and readability, accuracy, diversity, associativity, complementarity, and a specific academic subject. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of infographics in a history textbook published in China in 2007 and widely used in the education system of high school students was carried out. It is noted that the design of infographics must comply with both general educational standards and at the same time meet the specific educational needs of the discipline. When conducting a qualitative analysis of the infographics of the History textbook, attention was paid to the general requirements of their design, including clarity and readability, accuracy, and associativity. These standards guarantee the efficiency of information transmission by infographics and the absence of distortion. Unique requirements were attributed to the design features of infographics: complementarity, generality, multilevelness, consistency and connectivity. The results of the study showed that these features make infographics in history textbooks not just an auxiliary tool of the educational process, but also an important incentive for the development of historical thinking of schoolchildren, combining historical theory with practical understanding and improving the quality of teaching.


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Author information

Siwen Lyu

Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 5, 2024.
  • Published: November 26, 2024.


  • инфографика в учебниках
  • китайские учебники истории
  • дизайн инфографики
  • образовательные стандарты инфографики
  • infographics in textbooks
  • Chinese history textbooks
  • infographic design
  • educational standards for infographics


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