• Original research article
  • September 26, 2024
  • Open access

Ethnographic tourist environment of the Udmurt Republic


The aim of the study is to develop a typology of ethnocultural resources of the Udmurt Republic, which forms the ethnographic tourist environment of the republic. The article describes the current state of development of the ethnocultural image of Udmurtia through ethnocultural resources that are embedded in existing tourist routes and projects. The mechanisms for realizing the tourist potential of the territory are shown, based on the presence of specific objects of tourist interest, which are largely concentrated in rural areas. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the description of the system of ethnocultural resources of Udmurtia based on the cultural heritage of the region to create a holistic ethnographic tourist environment. As a result of the study, a typology is proposed that forms the ethnocultural brand of identity of the republic.


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Author information

Oksana Alexandrovna Golubeva

Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 10, 2024.
  • Published: September 26, 2024.


  • культурное наследие региона
  • этнокультурный бренд
  • идентичность
  • этнокультурный туризм
  • Удмуртская Республика
  • этнокультурный облик Удмуртии
  • cultural heritage of the region
  • ethnocultural brand
  • identity
  • ethnocultural tourism
  • Udmurt Republic
  • ethnocultural image of Udmurtia


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